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let's tap into their story!

In the beginning, there was a bar. The bar was called “À la Cour Royale”, which means “at the royal court”. The bar was owned by Théophile Vossen, and many of its customers were employees of the National Bank - which was a mere stone’s throw away. These employees would frequent the bar to kill time as they waited for the counters to open or for a particular event to start at the bank.
Besides simply drinking the hours away, the brokers, cashiers, stockbrokers, and many others turned to a popular dice game, Pitjesbak, as their main form of entertainment. However, whenever the players needed to get back to work, they would finish the game with a single roll of the dice. This variation of the game was called “Mort Subite”, or in other words, “sudden death”.

The sudden death variation of Pietjesbak caught on, and many started to play it in their free time. Riding on the growing popularity of Mort Subite, Vossen decided to name the bar, and its beers, after it.

Mort Subite’s signature brews

Mort Subite’s first beer was brewed in 1686, and the brewery hasn’t stopped making amazing beers since. Brewed in the Senne valley where wild yeasts roam the local air, the brewery is able to produce one of the oldest and most unique beer styles in the world. By exposing its beers to the wild yeasts in the air, the brewery does not need to add yeast during the brewing process.
Mort Subite’s beers are full of personality and flavour - refreshing, fruity, sour, yet slightly bitter - and are suitable for everyone to enjoy. The brewery’s most popular beer is the Mort Subite Kriek - an authentic Belgian lambic that has the full fruitiness of fresh cherries and a refreshing sour twist. The cherry-infused brew is made using fresh Belgian cherries and its delectable flavour has won many hearts and awards!
Another show-stopper of Mort Subite is the Oude Gueuze Lambic - an iconic lambic that is sought after by many beer lovers. The truly sour gueuze is made with old lambic that has aged in oak barrels for up to 3 years. Its complex flavours include a hint of green apple and a delicate fruity, spicy character from the brewery’s wild yeasts.

Mort Subite today

Although Mort Subite is currently under the Carlsberg and Heineken group, it continues to produce high-quality lambic beers under the conscientious care of its brewers. The brewery still religiously follows the traditional brewing methods, such as open-air fermentation and oak barrel ageing, to ensure that they churn out the best possible brews. Today, Mort Subite is one of the most well-known lambic breweries in Belgium, and its beers are enjoyed by people all over the world!

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