Kona Brewing was founded by a father and son pair - Cameron Healy and Spoon Khalsa - who had a beer-y clear vision to showcase the beauty and spirit of Hawaii. The two not only built one of the most popular craft beer brands in the world, but also managed to find a sustainable way to do so. The brewery is known for their Hawaii-inspired drinks, so much so that locals even have a nickname for their refreshing brews: Liquid Aloha.
That's how most conversations begin and end in Hawaii. Many think that “aloha” is simply an expression to greet someone or to send them off but it is so much more than that - it is an affective emotion that connects people together.
The word reflects the spirit and joy of Hawaii, which is exactly what Kona Brewing wants to deliver to its consumers. In fact, “aloha” is said to be the secret and unofficial ingredient that makes their beers so delicious.
Kona Brewing was founded in 1994 by Cameron Healy and his son, Spoon Khalsa, who transformed their love for Hawaii into delectable Hawaii-inspired brews that are guaranteed to freshen you up from the very first sip.
Besides being wildly successful and widely loved, Kona Brewing has also cared for the Earth from day one. The brewery is partially powered by the sun, uses only recyclable materials, and makes pizzas with spent grains at its brewpub.
Beers are just beers - are they really?
Beers exist to fill the beer-shaped hole in your heart, but can they do more?
Every single one of Kona’s beers has a story, as they are all named after Hawaiian legends and landmarks. That’s right, beers can also educate you on history and culture.
Take Longboard Island Lager for example, a crisp and smooth lager that goes perfectly well with the sun, sand and sea. The refreshing golden beverage is a homage to longboard surfing - an old time tradition of Waikiki Beach.
The story dates back to the father of modern surfing and Olympic Gold Medalist - Duke Kahanamoku - who paddled his gigantic handcrafted wooden board onto the waves of Waikiki. The massive wooden board was then dubbed a longboard and the ancient Polynesian sport of surfing was reborn.
Next time when you are at the beach and you hear the majestic sounds of the waves crashing, you can take a sip of Kona’s Longboard Island Lager to really get into the summer-beach vibes.
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