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let's tap into their story!

Duvel Moortgat began with Jan-Léonard Moortgat and his wife - a passionate couple who founded the brewery back in 1871. Moortgat was a curious soul; he experimented with various recipes by trial and error, and his efforts soon paid off. Moortgat’s top-fermented beers were soon greatly loved by the people in the hometown of Puurs and far beyond. Before long, Moortgat’s beers won over even the Brussels bourgeoisie!
Duvel - The History
Fast forward to 1900, business was booming and Moortgat’s two sons, Albert and Victor, decided to follow in their father’s footsteps and joined the company. While Albert was in charge of brewing, Victor was busy delivering Moortgat’s beers to Brussels by horse and dray.

Duvel Moortgat’s famous Victory Ale or rather, Duvel!

After the First World War, Belgium was introduced to several English ales, which quickly grew in popularity with the locals. Inspired by the success of English ales, Albert decided to create a very special beer using only the best ingredients he could get his hands on. Albert travelled to the UK to acquire the specific type of yeast strain that he wanted but faced initial resistance from the local brewers.

Unwilling to give up, Albert continued his arduous voyage across England and finally managed to get his hands on a precious sample of yeast from a Scottish brewery. Thanks to Albert’s persistence, the brewery is able to churn out unique and flavourful beers using that very yeast strain even to this day!
The two brothers worked hard each day to perfect the recipe of the English ale-inspired beer and in 1918, they finally did it. They named the special beer the Victory Ale to commemorate the end of the First World War, and the name also reflected the triumph they experienced by perfecting such a legendary drink.

The Victory Ale went on to conquer not only the hearts of the locals, but also aroused international interest. As the ale’s international status grew, so did its production levels. Fun fact: the first country to be conquered by this speciality beer was the Netherlands!
In the 1920s, a local shoemaker named Van De Wouwer exclaimed that the Victory Ale was “nen echten Duvel” - which meant “a real Devil” - after he tried it. Inspired by the humble shoemaker’s words, the Moortgats rechristened the beer with a new name - Duvel - that endowed the ale with a dangerous but alluring brand which helped build its reputation into what it is today.

Duvel Moortgat’s Vedett beers

In 1930, Duvel Moortgat launched Bel Pils - a classic German Pilsner style beer that built the foundation of the brewery’s budding reputation. Fast-forward to the 1940s, Duvel Moortgat introduced the Vedett Extra Blond, which had been rebranded as Vedett Extra Pilsner in 2003.

Vedett Extra Blond is the first of the Vedett series, and it is, without a doubt, Duvel Moortgat’s quirkiest brand. The blond beauty has everything you’d expect from a premium pilsner; refreshing right from the first mouthful, followed by a subtly bitter aftertaste. The Vedett Extra Pilsner is characterised by a finely-balanced hoppiness with vanilla and fruit flavours that carries through to the end.

Since its relaunch, the Vedett Extra Pilsner has been joined by the Vedett Extra Ordinary IPA, the Vedett Extra White, and the Vedett Extra Playa. Vedett beers have a playful branding with a cheeky tagline that says, “celebrating the sttupid”. No, “sttupid” wasn’t accidentally misspelt, but was purposely spelt with a double “t”.
The idea behind Vedett was to go against conformist traditions and see life from a different, more casual, perspective. As such, the marketing team created a 3-part video series featuring a unique protagonist in each part. The protagonists, or “sttupids”, all go against the grain and make sense of the world in their own distinctive ways.

This creative way of presenting Vedett to the world resonated with Duvel Moortgat’s target audiences of party-goers, as well as creative and young Belgian beer drinkers that were in search for something different. By leveraging on the fun and quirky aspects of Vedett, the brewery was able to fully express the deeper meaning behind Vedett, of embracing idiosyncrasies and individuality!

Vedett beers have not only been popular amongst beer enthusiasts, but also with the judges at several beer competitions. Many of Vedett beers are award-winners, including the Vedett Extra White, which won a gold medal at the World Beer Awards in 2017 for the category of “World’s Best Belgian Style Wit Beer”!

The Duvel glass and beyond

In 1960, the third generation of Moortgats (Bert, Marcel, Leon, and Emile) were convinced that a unique beer needed a unique glass. As a result, they created the Duvel glass, which was the first tulip-shaped beer glass that was actually reminiscent of a wine glass.

Back then, there had never been such a large beer glass - until the Duvel glass that is. Its shape was specifically designed to offer a more complete experience of the beer where the exquisite flavours and aromas can be fully experienced by the drinker. The way in which the glass narrows towards the top also helps retain the carbonation, thus preserving the head.
In addition to its iconic Duvel ale and the innovative Duvel glass, the brewery is also committed to producing its beers while keeping the environment in mind. Duvel not only fully runs on renewable energy, but it also recycles 94% of its waste. The brewery is also actively involved in reforestation projects in Belgium (and the equatorial region) and supports beekeeping activities on the brewery site. Besides the environment, Duvel also looks to empower individuals and support communities at large by embracing a wide variety of projects!

Today, Duvel is still a family-run brewery, with Michel Moortgat - the fourth generation of the Moortgat family - at the helm of the thriving ship. Duvel Moortgat Brewery had a humble beginning - with production at a mere few crates. However, Duvel has grown to become one of the most respected breweries in Belgium that brews sustainably, with its beers enjoyed literally all over the world!

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