Servus, my esteemed companions! I am the Weihenstephaner Vitus, a German Strong Weizenbock brewed in honor of the legendary St. Vitus—a patron saint of beer brewers, barkeepers, and good harvests.
Prepare to be enthralled by my pale-golden, finely effervescent body adorned with a creamy head of foam, releasing intoxicating aromas of dried apricots and citrus fruits. As you savor each sip, allow yourself to be enveloped by the saturated flavors of choice yeast, clove spice, and ripe bananas. Together, they create a symphony that dances upon your tongue, culminating in a silky-smooth finish accompanied by delightful bubbles.
I am not your conventional strong beer; rather, I embody the essence of a premium, fruity, and robust wheat beer with a flawlessly balanced character. Join me in this extraordinary journey of taste and tradition. Prost, and let us celebrate the art of brewing!
• International Beer Challenge - Gold Medal 2024
• World Beer Awards - Gold Medal 2024, Silver Medal 2019, Gold Medal 2018, Silver Medal 2017
• World Beer Cup - Bronze Medal 2024, Silver Medal 2023
• Australian International Beer Awards - Bronze Medal 2024, Silver Medal 2019, 2018
• European Beer Star - Silver Medal 2020, Gold Medal 2018
• "1,001 Beers You Must Taste Before You Die" Book by Adrian Tierney Jones - #163
Almost a thousand years ago, in the 1040s, Weihenstephan was known as the monastery brewery of the Benedictine monks. Today, it is the oldest still-existing brewery in the entire world and stands upon the Weihenstephan hill in old Bavaria, surrounded by traditional German countryside. With their rich heritage comes a high level of responsibility to produce consistent and great quality beer. Generations of knowledge, techniques and recipes have been passed down from brewmaster to brewmaster, ensuring that Weihenstephan is still producing the world's most awarded and highly-regarded German beer.
Taste very fruity and smooth . Is a nice beer
Creamy with a good head and honey after tone. Banana bubblegum with a hint of spice, caramel and cream cracker. Good to the very last drop. Pairs well with sichuan cuisine, as the spices magnify the character of this bock ale. Can’t go wrong with a good ribeye with black pepper sauce too. Wash it down with some cold cuts for an indulgence.
Light malty bite with a good body and just the right amount of ABV to enjoy this beer. You still get the "banana" nose as you would expect from a Weissbier but less hazy, more kick, and the best bang-for-the-buck in my opinion.
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