8LBB’s projects and collaborations
As is customary with the Singaporean work culture, lunchtime holds a cherished significance, and this tradition is no different at 8LBB. The team at 8LBB embarks on daily lunchtime escapades at local eateries, gobbling down cheap local delights while soaking up the chatter and cheer of the noisy hawker surroundings. It is no wonder that 8LBB’s projects are inspired by the people we meet during this precious midday hour, and also from the various topics discussed during lunch, such as astrology, politics, movies, and more!
Whether we're sitting at a humble coffee shop or sampling dishes from the local hawkers, we never fail to meet inspiring individuals and collect their compelling stories. For instance, our beer, the Dragon's Breath IPA, pays homage to the legendary canteen aunties and uncles with fiery personalities and unwavering spirits. After a casual dim sum lunch session with John Wei, head-brewer of Craft Alliance and Brewlander & Co. 's founder, we decided to create a beer together to celebrate these hardworking individuals, because why not?
These tireless souls have weathered their fair share of daily battles, from navigating the countless disagreements with both coworkers and customers to clearing away the remnants of our hearty meals. We figured they deserved a beer to help them unwind after a long day of serving up amazing food. We also figured that the beer had to have an intense character, both in name and taste, so as to properly represent their burning passion and vigour!
While we provide recipe ideas and the label’s artwork, it is actually John and his team that are in charge of the brewing operations.